T: 01562 632143 • E: info@newgrangetraining.co.uk
  First Aid Training Courses  
Additional Courses & Consultancy Services include:
  delivered for your staff on your premises    

First Aid in the workplace can save lives. First Aid training can prevent a minor problem escalating into a major problem. This of course not only safeguards your employees health and well being but can also reduce the costs to your business by reducing costs of an injury.

Our first aid courses give people the confidence and training required that could help save a life.

Employers have a legal obligation under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 to provide suitable first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel to enable immediate assistance to be given to staff if they are injured or become ill at work. This includes training staff in the appropriate first aid skills. All our First Aid courses meet the curent legal requirements.

Choose a First Aid Training Course:

Emergency First Aid at Work

Annual Refresher Trainin

AED - Automatic External Defribillator

First Aid at Work 3Yr Certification

First Aid at Work 3Yr Re-Qualification

Our First Aid training courses below are held at your premises (or an external venue of your choosing). This way we train a number of staff at the same time more cost effectively than a general 'open course' as well as no extras such as employee travel expenses and not forgetting you choose your own course date and start time!

Our Trainers - training effectiveness is largely down to the ability of the trainer and we ensure that all our professional trainers are experts in their particular discipline with real life experience in the subjects that they train, so please email or call us on 01562 632143

Health & Safety Training Courses Health & Safety Training Courses
Environmental Training Courses Environmental Training
Quality & Auditing Training Quality & Auditing Training
Noise Training & Noise Surveys Noise Training & Surveys
Fire Training Courses and Fire Risk Assessments Fire Training & Risk Assessments
Business Skills Training Business Skills Training